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                        "title": "Solar energy",
                        "caption": "Though it still represents a marginal portion of total energy output, solar energy still contributes to Sweden’s ambition to have zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. With more than 50 per cent of Sweden’s energy coming from renewable sources, Sweden has the highest percentage of renewable energy use in the European Union. Photo: <a href=\"\">Jann Lipka/</a>"
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                        "alt": "Astrid sitting at a desk looking in to the camera.",
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                        "width": 614,
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                        "caption": "Astrid Lindgren sitting at a desk. Photo: Pål-Nils Nilsson, National Library of Sweden"
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                        "title": "Freedom of press act National archive 2",
                        "caption": "Photo: Emre Olgun/National Archives of Sweden"
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                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Freedom of speech by Plattform/Scandinav/",
                        "caption": "The freedom to express oneself in speech and writing is one of the basic human rights. In Sweden, this freedom stems from the world’s first constitutionally protected freedom of the press legislation, the Swedish Freedom of the Press Act of 1766. Photo: <a href=\"\"> Plattform/Scandinav/</a"
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                        "alt": "The Nobel gold medal",
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                        "width": 2560,
                        "title": "Copyright: The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud",
                        "caption": "Copyright: The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud"
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                    "id": 52,
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                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Lucia with her crown of candles and her handmaidens, all dressed in white.",
                        "height": 1655,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Lucia by Cecilia Larsson Lantz/",
                        "caption": "Photo: Cecilia Larsson Lantz/"
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                        "alt": "Pop artist Taylor Swift performing on stage.",
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                        "caption": "Taylor Swift. Photo: Caitlin Ochs"
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                    "description": "Queen Silvia’s birthday",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Queen Silvia in a blue dress and tiara.",
                        "height": 667,
                        "width": 1000,
                        "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet; H.M. Drottningen",
                        "caption": "HM The Queen. Photo: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2024-12-23",
                            "month": "Dec",
                            "year": 2024
                    "earliestDate": "2024-12-23"
                    "id": 53,
                    "description": "Christmas Eve",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A family decorating a Christmas tree outdoors in winter.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "Christmas traditions",
                        "caption": "A family dressing a outdoor Christmas tree and having a Swedish Christmas fika with sweet saffron bun. Photo: OTW/"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2024-12-24",
                            "month": "Dec",
                            "year": 2024
                    "earliestDate": "2024-12-24"
                    "id": 32,
                    "description": "New Year’s Eve",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Fireworks over a city",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "werner_nystrand-new_year’s_eve-9156 (1)",
                        "caption": "New year celebrations in Malmö, southern Sweden. Photo: <a href \",%20southern+sweden/malm%25C3%25B6%252C+sk%25C3%25A5ne/9156#detail\">Werner Nystrand/Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2024-12-31",
                            "month": "Dec",
                            "year": 2024
                    "earliestDate": "2024-12-31"
                    "id": 68,
                    "description": "Music moment: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe – to celebrate the end of the year",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Europe singer Joey Tempest performing.",
                        "height": 1977,
                        "width": 1977,
                        "title": "Joey-Tempest_Photo-Roger-Turesson-1.jpg",
                        "caption": "Europe's lead singer Joey Tempest. Photo: Roger Turesson"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2024-12-31",
                            "month": "Dec",
                            "year": 2024
                    "earliestDate": "2024-12-31"
                    "id": 23,
                    "description": "International Holocaust Remembrance Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A person lighting candles.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "maskot-lighting_up_the_dark-7478",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Maskot/Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-01-27",
                            "month": "Jan",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-01-27"
                    "id": 69,
                    "description": "Music moment 1986: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe was released",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Europe singer Joey Tempest performing.",
                        "height": 1977,
                        "width": 1977,
                        "title": "Joey-Tempest_Photo-Roger-Turesson-1.jpg",
                        "caption": "Europe's lead singer Joey Tempest. Photo: Roger Turesson"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-01",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-01"
                    "id": 29,
                    "description": "National Day of the Sami people",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "The Sami flag - blue, yellow, green and red with a circle in the middle.",
                        "height": 801,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "mikael_svensson-sami_flag-8406",
                        "caption": "The colours of the Sami flag from 1986 (blue, red, yellow and green) are those most commonly found on traditional Sami garbs. The circle derives from the sun, in red, a symbol appearing on many shaman drums. The blue half of the circle represents the moon. Photo: <a href=\"\">Mikael Svensson/Scandinav/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-06",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-06"
                    "id": 34,
                    "description": "Fat Tuesday",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A freshly baked semla with powdered sugar.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "magnus_carlsson-freshly_baked_semla-6443",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Magnus Carlsson/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-11",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-11"
                    "id": 18,
                    "description": "Valentine’s day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A frozen lake shaped like heart.",
                        "height": 800,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "fredrik_schlyter-heart-shaped_lake_in_winter-6350",
                        "caption": "The heart-shaped lake Neckern, south of the town Linköping, in the region of Östergötland. Photo: <a jref=\"\">Fredrik Schlyter/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-14",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-14"
                    "id": 17,
                    "description": "International Mother Language Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A child getting help from a teacher.",
                        "height": 1000,
                        "width": 1500,
                        "title": "ann-sofi_rosenkvist-primary_school_classroom-4840",
                        "caption": "During the 2022–2023 school year, 178,000 schoolchildren in Sweden took part in mother tongue tuition, according to statistics from the Swedish National Agency for Education. "
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-21",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-21"
                    "id": 63,
                    "description": "Music moment 1998: ‘Ray of Light’ by Madonna with music video by Jonas Åkerlund was released",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Director Jonas Åkerlund and pop artist Madonna at some gala.",
                        "height": 1443,
                        "width": 1443,
                        "title": "Jonas-Akerlund-Madonna_Photo-Vince-Bucci.jpg",
                        "caption": "Jonas Åkerlund and Madonna. Photo: Vince Bucci"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-22",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-22"
                    "id": 20,
                    "description": "Sweden Finns’ Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Torne river in winter, partly covered by ice.",
                        "height": 974,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "asaf_kliger-torne_river-5679",
                        "caption": "Torne river marks the border between Sweden and Finland. Photo: <a href=\"\">Asaf Kliger/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-24",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-24"
                    "id": 22,
                    "description": "Ramadan",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A festive table with falafel, dates, herbs.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-ramadan_in_sweden-8449",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-02-28",
                            "month": "Feb",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-02-28"
                    "id": 72,
                    "description": "Music moment 2019: Composer Ludwig Göransson won an Oscar",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Ludwig Göransson at an event.",
                        "height": 417,
                        "width": 417,
                        "title": "Ludwig Göransson",
                        "caption": "Ludwig Göransson. Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-01",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-01"
                    "id": 35,
                    "description": "International Women’s Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A woman working in an industry setting.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "sofia_sabel-swedish_industry-6523",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-08",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-08"
                    "id": 36,
                    "description": "World Down Syndrome Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A young girl with Downs syndrome listening to music.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "scandinav-music_in_sweden-8557",
                        "caption": "A young girl listening to music. Photo:  <a href=\"\">Scandinav/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-21",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-21"
                    "id": 39,
                    "description": "Nordic day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A map of the Nordic countries",
                        "height": 1350,
                        "width": 1080,
                        "title": "Nordic Day Map",
                        "caption": "Illustration:"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-23",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-23"
                    "id": 59,
                    "description": "Music moment 1990: The movie ‘Pretty Woman’ with theme song by Roxette premiered in the US",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 893,
                        "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                        "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-23",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-23"
                    "id": 45,
                    "description": "Waffle day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A waffle with jam and whipped cream",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "tina_stafrén-waffle-2092",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Tina Stafrén/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-25",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-25"
                    "id": 62,
                    "description": "Music moment: Lady Gaga’s birthday",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Pop artist Lady Gaga on stage.",
                        "height": 1708,
                        "width": 1706,
                        "title": "Lady-Gaga_Photo-Marco-PiracciniMondadori-PortfolioSipa-USA.jpg",
                        "caption": "Lady Gaga. Photo: Marco Piraccini/Mondadori Portfolio/Sipa USA"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-03-28",
                            "month": "Mar",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-03-28"
                    "id": 6,
                    "description": "International Day of Sport for Development and Peace",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Children in a gymnastics hall doing all kinds of activities.",
                        "height": 1650,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Youth sports",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Alexander Mahmoud/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-06",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-06"
                    "id": 66,
                    "description": "Music moment 1974: ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ by Blue Swede hit number one in the US Billboard charts",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "The band Blue Sweden portrayed outdoors, in a wintry landscape, all wearing fur coats.",
                        "height": 2176,
                        "width": 2176,
                        "title": "Blue-Swede.jpg",
                        "caption": "Björn Skifs and the Blue Swede band. Photo: Parlophone Music Sweden"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-06",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-06"
                    "id": 43,
                    "description": "International Roma Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Young women holding the blue, green and red Roma flag.",
                        "height": 1654,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "sofia_sabel-the_roma_flag-8758",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-08",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-08"
                    "id": 38,
                    "description": "Easter",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Two children painting eggs.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "jenny_drakenlind-easter_craft-8202",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Jenny Drakenlind/Johnér/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-20",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-20"
                    "id": 15,
                    "description": "Earth day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A mother and two children with a cargo bike.",
                        "height": 1000,
                        "width": 1500,
                        "title": "sofia_sabel-cargo_bike-8459",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\"> Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-22",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-22"
                    "id": 44,
                    "description": "World Book and Copyright Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Children reading books together on a sofa.",
                        "height": 1000,
                        "width": 1500,
                        "title": "The joy of reading books",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-23",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-23"
                    "id": 14,
                    "description": "King Carl XVI Gustaf’s birthday",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "HM the King in a suit, wearing his medals.",
                        "height": 1000,
                        "width": 1500,
                        "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet, H.M. Konungen",
                        "caption": "HM The King.\nPhoto: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-30",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-30"
                    "id": 30,
                    "description": "Walpurgis Night",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "People watching a bonfire.",
                        "height": 801,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "Lund",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Aline Lessner/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-04-30",
                            "month": "Apr",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-04-30"
                    "id": 67,
                    "description": "Music moment 2012: Swedish band First Aid Kit performed Paul Simon’s ‘America’ at the Polar Music Prize ceremony",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Paul Simon giving a standing ovation at the Polar Music Prize ceremony in 2012.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 900,
                        "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Polar-Music-Prize-thumbnail.jpg",
                        "caption": "Paul Simon. Photo: Polar Music Prize"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-01",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                            "date": "2025-05-01",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-01"
                    "id": 25,
                    "description": "World Press Freedom Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Two people with headsets in a radio studio.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Freedom of information",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Plattform/Scandinav/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-03",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-03"
                    "id": 12,
                    "description": "Europe Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A girl holding two small paper flags: the Swedish flag and the flag for the European Union, both blue and yellow.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Sweden and the EU",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-09",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-09"
                    "id": 56,
                    "description": "International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT)",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Two persons holding hands.",
                        "height": 1654,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Equal rights",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Carolina Romare/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-17",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-17"
                    "id": 13,
                    "description": "European Day of Parks",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A lake in Abisko with a rocky shoreline and trees in autumn colours, with mountains in the background.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Abisko national park",
                        "caption": "Abisko national park. Photo: <a href=\"\">Katja Kristoferson/Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-24",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-24"
                    "id": 11,
                    "description": "Mother’s day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A group of adults and toddlers with different backgrounds having a picknick.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Social kids",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-05-25",
                            "month": "May",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-05-25"
                    "id": 42,
                    "description": "Pride Month (1–30 June)",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A woman with a rainbow umbrella at a Pride Parade.",
                        "height": 1655,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "stockholm pride",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Magnus Liam Karlsson/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-01",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-01"
                    "id": 9,
                    "description": "World Bicycle Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Two siblings in a Swedish suburb getting home from school by bike.",
                        "height": 1655,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Getting from school",
                        "caption": "Photo: Simon Paulin/"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-03",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-03"
                    "id": 27,
                    "description": "World Environment Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Children playing in the forest.",
                        "height": 802,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "ulf_lundin-playing_in_the_woods-4828",
                        "caption": "Swedish children using the right of public access (Allemansrätten) to play in the woods. Photo: <a href=\"\">Ulf Lundin/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-05",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-05"
                    "id": 50,
                    "description": "National Day of Sweden",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "The Swedish flag beinjg raised in a summer garden.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "National Day. Photo: Astrakan/Scandinav/",
                        "caption": "Photo: Astrakan/Scandinav/"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-06",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-06"
                    "id": 57,
                    "description": "Music moment 1990: ‘Pretty Woman’ theme song ‘It Must Have Been Love’ by Roxette hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 893,
                        "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                        "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-16",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-16"
                    "id": 37,
                    "description": "Midsummer",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Two women picking flowers for midsummer.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "vilhelm_stokstad-midsummer_preparations-6591",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Vilhelm Stokstad/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-20",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-20"
                    "id": 58,
                    "description": "Music moment 1990: The movie ‘Pretty Woman’ with theme song by Roxette premiered in Sweden",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 893,
                        "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                        "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-06-29",
                            "month": "Jun",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-06-29"
                    "id": 10,
                    "description": "Crown Princess’s birthday ",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "The crown princess smiling, in a room at the Royal castle.",
                        "height": 716,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet; H.K.H. Kronprinsessan",
                        "caption": "HRH The Crown Princess. Photo: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-07-14",
                            "month": "Jul",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-07-14"
                    "id": 19,
                    "description": "Tornedalians’ day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A yellow, white and blue Tornedalian flag.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "folio-meänflaku-8857",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-07-15",
                            "month": "Jul",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-07-15"
                    "id": 21,
                    "description": "Crayfish premiere",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A plate full of crayfish on a dinner table.",
                        "height": 999,
                        "width": 1500,
                        "title": "anna_hållams-crayfish_party-7457",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\"> Anna Hållams/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-08-09",
                            "month": "Aug",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-08-09"
                    "id": 28,
                    "description": "International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A family dressed in traditional Sami clothing.",
                        "height": 809,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "Indigenous Sami",
                        "caption": "The Sami people have their own folk costume, the kolt. The traditionally blue costumes have at least 12 different styles and differ for men and women. Photo: <a href=\"\">Lola Akinmade Åkerström/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-08-09",
                            "month": "Aug",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-08-09"
                    "id": 24,
                    "description": "Swedish meatball day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Meatballs with mashed potatoes.",
                        "height": 800,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-meatballs-8107",
                        "caption": "Swedish meatballs are traditionally served with gravy, mashed or boiled potatoes, lingonberries, and pickled cucumber.\nPhoto: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-08-23",
                            "month": "Aug",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-08-23"
                    "id": 60,
                    "description": "Music moment 1964: ‘Waltz for Debby’ by Monica Zetterlund and the Bill Evans Trio was recorded",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Swedish jazz artist Monica Zetterlund singing.",
                        "height": 1836,
                        "width": 1835,
                        "title": "Monica-Zetterlund_Photo-Johan-Warnlof-SCANPIX.jpg",
                        "caption": "Monica Zetterlund. Photo: Johan Wärnlöf/Scanpix"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-08-23",
                            "month": "Aug",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-08-23"
                    "id": 40,
                    "description": "Raoul Wallenberg Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A black and white passport photo of Raoul Wallenberg",
                        "height": 461,
                        "width": 450,
                        "title": "Raoul_Wallenberg Wikimedia",
                        "caption": "Passport photograph of Raoul Wallenberg, June 1944."
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-08-27",
                            "month": "Aug",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-08-27"
                    "id": 73,
                    "description": "Music moment: Choir Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A gospel choir on stage.",
                        "height": 1707,
                        "width": 1708,
                        "title": "Tensta-Gospel-Choir_Photo-Anders-Wiklund-TT.jpg",
                        "caption": "Tensta Gospel Choir. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-09-01",
                            "month": "Sep",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-09-01"
                    "id": 41,
                    "description": "International Literacy Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Students sitting around a table with books.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Learning Swedish",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Evelina Ytterbom/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-09-08",
                            "month": "Sep",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-09-08"
                    "id": 61,
                    "description": "Music moment: Pink’s birthday",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Pop artist Pink performing, with an audience seen in the background.",
                        "height": 1784,
                        "width": 1785,
                        "title": "Pink_Photo-Chris-Pizzello.jpg",
                        "caption": "Pink. Photo: Chris Pizzello"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-09-08",
                            "month": "Sep",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-09-08"
                    "id": 26,
                    "description": "International Day of Democracy",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A person voting in Sweden.",
                        "height": 800,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "lieslotte_van_der_meijs-general_elections-8535",
                        "caption": "General elections in Sweden – for national, regional and local representation – are held every four years, after which a new government may be formed. Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieslotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-09-15",
                            "month": "Sep",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-09-15"
                    "id": 8,
                    "description": "European Day of Languages",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A person laying a word puzzle.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Learning Swedish",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Evelina Ytterbom/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-09-26",
                            "month": "Sep",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-09-26"
                    "id": 75,
                    "description": "Music moment 2011: Levels by Avicii was released",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "DJ and producer Avicii portrayed against a brick wall.",
                        "height": 900,
                        "width": 900,
                        "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Avicii-thumbnail.jpg",
                        "caption": "Avicii. Photo: Sean Eriksson/Avicii Experience"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-10-01",
                            "month": "Oct",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-10-01"
                    "id": 31,
                    "description": "Cinnamon Bun Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "Freshly baked cinnamon buns.",
                        "height": 800,
                        "width": 1200,
                        "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-cinnamon_buns-8105 (1)",
                        "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-10-04",
                            "month": "Oct",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-10-04"
                    "id": 51,
                    "description": "World Teacher’s Day",
                    "image": {
                        "src": "",
                        "alt": "A teacher helping a schoolchild in the classroom.",
                        "height": 1653,
                        "width": 2480,
                        "title": "Photo: Scandinav/",
                        "caption": "Photo: Scandinav/"
                    "href": "",
                    "dates": [
                            "date": "2025-10-05",
                            "month": "Oct",
                            "year": 2025
                    "earliestDate": "2025-10-05"
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                        "id": 55,
                        "description": "United Nations Day",
                        "image": {
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                            "alt": "Dag Hammarskjöld smoking a pipe.",
                            "height": 500,
                            "width": 700,
                            "title": "Dag Hammarskjöld smoking a pipe at his desk.",
                            "caption": "Dag Hammarskjöld was Secretary-General of the United Nations 1953–1961. Photo: Karl Heinz Henried. Source: <a href=\"\">Libris</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-10-24",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-10-24"
                        "id": 3,
                        "description": "Study in Sweden Online Fair (Americas)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Study in Sweden",
                            "height": 1076,
                            "width": 1912,
                            "title": "Study presentation",
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                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-10-26",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-10-26"
                        "id": 5,
                        "description": "Halloween",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A kid is carving a pumpkin with a knife.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Halloween pumpkin",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-10-31",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-10-31"
                        "id": 71,
                        "description": "Music moment 1993: ‘The Sign’ by Ace of Base topped the US album charts",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Portrait of the two women and two men who made up the band Ace of Base.",
                            "height": 1907,
                            "width": 1907,
                            "title": "Ace-of-Base.jpg",
                            "caption": ""
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-01",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-01"
                        "id": 47,
                        "description": "All Saints’ Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A cemetery with gravestones lit up by candles.",
                            "height": 1656,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "jens_lindström-all_saints’_day-9168",
                            "caption": "Skogskyrkogården cemetery in Stockholm. Photo: <a href=\",%20central+sweden/stockholm/9168#detail\"> Jens Lindström/Johnér/</a>\n"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-02",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-02"
                        "id": 70,
                        "description": "Music moment 2021: ABBA released their comeback record",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A digital version of pop group ABBA, 'Abbatars', seen as small dots on a stage beyond a big audience.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 900,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-ABBA-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "The Abbatar version of ABBA. Photo: ABBA by Johan Persson"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-05",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-05"
                        "id": 0,
                        "description": "Study in Sweden livestream",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Students studying together outdoors in autumn.",
                            "height": 1651,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Higher education",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Magnus Liam Karlsson/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-06",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-06"
                        "id": 46,
                        "description": "Father’s day ",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A father with tho energetic children.",
                            "height": 1654,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Parenting by Emma Sekhorn",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Emma Sekhon/Scandinav/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-10",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-10"
                        "id": 7,
                        "description": "UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A huge rooftop solar energy facility with a large body of water and a city in the background.",
                            "height": 1626,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Solar energy",
                            "caption": "Though it still represents a marginal portion of total energy output, solar energy still contributes to Sweden’s ambition to have zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. With more than 50 per cent of Sweden’s energy coming from renewable sources, Sweden has the highest percentage of renewable energy use in the European Union. Photo: <a href=\"\">Jann Lipka/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-11",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-11"
                        "id": 49,
                        "description": "Birthday of Astrid Lindgren",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Astrid sitting at a desk looking in to the camera.",
                            "height": 800,
                            "width": 614,
                            "title": "Astrid Lindgren_National Library of Sweden_Pal-Nils Nilsson",
                            "caption": "Astrid Lindgren sitting at a desk. Photo: Pål-Nils Nilsson, National Library of Sweden"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-14",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-14"
                        "id": 4,
                        "description": "World Toilet Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A young girl is washing her hands under a running faucet.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Washing hands",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Melker Dahlstrand/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-19",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-19"
                        "id": 54,
                        "description": "World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Illustration of a parent holding a child.",
                            "height": 532,
                            "width": 739,
                            "title": "Never-violence-Stina-Wirsen",
                            "caption": "Illustration: Stina Wirsén"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-19",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-19"
                        "id": 2,
                        "description": "Study in Sweden Online Fair (Asia)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Study in Sweden",
                            "height": 1076,
                            "width": 1912,
                            "title": "Study presentation",
                            "caption": ""
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-11-20",
                                "month": "Nov",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-11-20"
                        "id": 16,
                        "description": "Anniversary of the Swedish Freedom of the Press Act",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Old documents on the Freedom of the Press Act.",
                            "height": 480,
                            "width": 596,
                            "title": "Freedom of press act National archive 2",
                            "caption": "Photo: Emre Olgun/National Archives of Sweden"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-02",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-02"
                        "id": 65,
                        "description": "Music moment: Britney Spears’ birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Pop artist Britney Spears on a lit-up stage.",
                            "height": 1849,
                            "width": 1849,
                            "title": "Britney-Spears_Photo-Ethan-Miller.jpg",
                            "caption": "Britney Spears. Photo: Ethan Miller"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-02",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-02"
                        "id": 1,
                        "description": "Study in Sweden Online Fair (Indian subcontinent)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Study in Sweden",
                            "height": 1076,
                            "width": 1912,
                            "title": "Study presentation",
                            "caption": ""
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-09",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-09"
                        "id": 48,
                        "description": "International Human Rights Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A television studio where a person is being interviewed.",
                            "height": 1654,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Freedom of speech by Plattform/Scandinav/",
                            "caption": "The freedom to express oneself in speech and writing is one of the basic human rights. In Sweden, this freedom stems from the world’s first constitutionally protected freedom of the press legislation, the Swedish Freedom of the Press Act of 1766. Photo: <a href=\"\"> Plattform/Scandinav/</a"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-10",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-10"
                        "id": 74,
                        "description": "Nobel Prize Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "The Nobel gold medal",
                            "height": 1707,
                            "width": 2560,
                            "title": "Copyright: The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud",
                            "caption": "Copyright: The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-10",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-10"
                        "id": 52,
                        "description": "Swedish Lucia",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Lucia with her crown of candles and her handmaidens, all dressed in white.",
                            "height": 1655,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Lucia by Cecilia Larsson Lantz/",
                            "caption": "Photo: Cecilia Larsson Lantz/"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-13",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-13"
                        "id": 64,
                        "description": "Music moment: Taylor Swift’s birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Pop artist Taylor Swift performing on stage.",
                            "height": 1758,
                            "width": 1760,
                            "title": "Taylor-Swift_Photo-Caitlin-Ochs.jpg",
                            "caption": "Taylor Swift. Photo: Caitlin Ochs"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-13",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-13"
                        "id": 33,
                        "description": "Queen Silvia’s birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Queen Silvia in a blue dress and tiara.",
                            "height": 667,
                            "width": 1000,
                            "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet; H.M. Drottningen",
                            "caption": "HM The Queen. Photo: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-23",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-23"
                        "id": 53,
                        "description": "Christmas Eve",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A family decorating a Christmas tree outdoors in winter.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "Christmas traditions",
                            "caption": "A family dressing a outdoor Christmas tree and having a Swedish Christmas fika with sweet saffron bun. Photo: OTW/"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-24",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-24"
                        "id": 32,
                        "description": "New Year’s Eve",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Fireworks over a city",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "werner_nystrand-new_year’s_eve-9156 (1)",
                            "caption": "New year celebrations in Malmö, southern Sweden. Photo: <a href \",%20southern+sweden/malm%25C3%25B6%252C+sk%25C3%25A5ne/9156#detail\">Werner Nystrand/Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-31",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-31"
                        "id": 68,
                        "description": "Music moment: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe – to celebrate the end of the year",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Europe singer Joey Tempest performing.",
                            "height": 1977,
                            "width": 1977,
                            "title": "Joey-Tempest_Photo-Roger-Turesson-1.jpg",
                            "caption": "Europe's lead singer Joey Tempest. Photo: Roger Turesson"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2024-12-31",
                                "month": "Dec",
                                "year": 2024
                        "earliestDate": "2024-12-31"
                        "id": 23,
                        "description": "International Holocaust Remembrance Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A person lighting candles.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "maskot-lighting_up_the_dark-7478",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Maskot/Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-01-27",
                                "month": "Jan",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-01-27"
                        "id": 69,
                        "description": "Music moment 1986: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe was released",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Europe singer Joey Tempest performing.",
                            "height": 1977,
                            "width": 1977,
                            "title": "Joey-Tempest_Photo-Roger-Turesson-1.jpg",
                            "caption": "Europe's lead singer Joey Tempest. Photo: Roger Turesson"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-01",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-01"
                        "id": 29,
                        "description": "National Day of the Sami people",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "The Sami flag - blue, yellow, green and red with a circle in the middle.",
                            "height": 801,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "mikael_svensson-sami_flag-8406",
                            "caption": "The colours of the Sami flag from 1986 (blue, red, yellow and green) are those most commonly found on traditional Sami garbs. The circle derives from the sun, in red, a symbol appearing on many shaman drums. The blue half of the circle represents the moon. Photo: <a href=\"\">Mikael Svensson/Scandinav/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-06",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-06"
                        "id": 34,
                        "description": "Fat Tuesday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A freshly baked semla with powdered sugar.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "magnus_carlsson-freshly_baked_semla-6443",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Magnus Carlsson/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-11",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-11"
                        "id": 18,
                        "description": "Valentine’s day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A frozen lake shaped like heart.",
                            "height": 800,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "fredrik_schlyter-heart-shaped_lake_in_winter-6350",
                            "caption": "The heart-shaped lake Neckern, south of the town Linköping, in the region of Östergötland. Photo: <a jref=\"\">Fredrik Schlyter/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-14",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-14"
                        "id": 17,
                        "description": "International Mother Language Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A child getting help from a teacher.",
                            "height": 1000,
                            "width": 1500,
                            "title": "ann-sofi_rosenkvist-primary_school_classroom-4840",
                            "caption": "During the 2022–2023 school year, 178,000 schoolchildren in Sweden took part in mother tongue tuition, according to statistics from the Swedish National Agency for Education. "
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-21",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-21"
                        "id": 63,
                        "description": "Music moment 1998: ‘Ray of Light’ by Madonna with music video by Jonas Åkerlund was released",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Director Jonas Åkerlund and pop artist Madonna at some gala.",
                            "height": 1443,
                            "width": 1443,
                            "title": "Jonas-Akerlund-Madonna_Photo-Vince-Bucci.jpg",
                            "caption": "Jonas Åkerlund and Madonna. Photo: Vince Bucci"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-22",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-22"
                        "id": 20,
                        "description": "Sweden Finns’ Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Torne river in winter, partly covered by ice.",
                            "height": 974,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "asaf_kliger-torne_river-5679",
                            "caption": "Torne river marks the border between Sweden and Finland. Photo: <a href=\"\">Asaf Kliger/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-24",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-24"
                        "id": 22,
                        "description": "Ramadan",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A festive table with falafel, dates, herbs.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-ramadan_in_sweden-8449",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-02-28",
                                "month": "Feb",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-02-28"
                        "id": 72,
                        "description": "Music moment 2019: Composer Ludwig Göransson won an Oscar",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Ludwig Göransson at an event.",
                            "height": 417,
                            "width": 417,
                            "title": "Ludwig Göransson",
                            "caption": "Ludwig Göransson. Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-01",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-01"
                        "id": 35,
                        "description": "International Women’s Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A woman working in an industry setting.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "sofia_sabel-swedish_industry-6523",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-08",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-08"
                        "id": 36,
                        "description": "World Down Syndrome Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A young girl with Downs syndrome listening to music.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "scandinav-music_in_sweden-8557",
                            "caption": "A young girl listening to music. Photo:  <a href=\"\">Scandinav/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-21",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-21"
                        "id": 39,
                        "description": "Nordic day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A map of the Nordic countries",
                            "height": 1350,
                            "width": 1080,
                            "title": "Nordic Day Map",
                            "caption": "Illustration:"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-23",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-23"
                        "id": 59,
                        "description": "Music moment 1990: The movie ‘Pretty Woman’ with theme song by Roxette premiered in the US",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 893,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-23",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-23"
                        "id": 45,
                        "description": "Waffle day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A waffle with jam and whipped cream",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "tina_stafrén-waffle-2092",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Tina Stafrén/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-25",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-25"
                        "id": 62,
                        "description": "Music moment: Lady Gaga’s birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Pop artist Lady Gaga on stage.",
                            "height": 1708,
                            "width": 1706,
                            "title": "Lady-Gaga_Photo-Marco-PiracciniMondadori-PortfolioSipa-USA.jpg",
                            "caption": "Lady Gaga. Photo: Marco Piraccini/Mondadori Portfolio/Sipa USA"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-03-28",
                                "month": "Mar",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-03-28"
                        "id": 6,
                        "description": "International Day of Sport for Development and Peace",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Children in a gymnastics hall doing all kinds of activities.",
                            "height": 1650,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Youth sports",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Alexander Mahmoud/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-06",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-06"
                        "id": 66,
                        "description": "Music moment 1974: ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ by Blue Swede hit number one in the US Billboard charts",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "The band Blue Sweden portrayed outdoors, in a wintry landscape, all wearing fur coats.",
                            "height": 2176,
                            "width": 2176,
                            "title": "Blue-Swede.jpg",
                            "caption": "Björn Skifs and the Blue Swede band. Photo: Parlophone Music Sweden"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-06",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-06"
                        "id": 43,
                        "description": "International Roma Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Young women holding the blue, green and red Roma flag.",
                            "height": 1654,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "sofia_sabel-the_roma_flag-8758",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-08",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-08"
                        "id": 38,
                        "description": "Easter",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Two children painting eggs.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "jenny_drakenlind-easter_craft-8202",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Jenny Drakenlind/Johnér/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-20",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-20"
                        "id": 15,
                        "description": "Earth day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A mother and two children with a cargo bike.",
                            "height": 1000,
                            "width": 1500,
                            "title": "sofia_sabel-cargo_bike-8459",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\"> Sofia Sabel/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-22",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-22"
                        "id": 44,
                        "description": "World Book and Copyright Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Children reading books together on a sofa.",
                            "height": 1000,
                            "width": 1500,
                            "title": "The joy of reading books",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-23",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-23"
                        "id": 14,
                        "description": "King Carl XVI Gustaf’s birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "HM the King in a suit, wearing his medals.",
                            "height": 1000,
                            "width": 1500,
                            "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet, H.M. Konungen",
                            "caption": "HM The King.\nPhoto: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-30",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-30"
                        "id": 30,
                        "description": "Walpurgis Night",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "People watching a bonfire.",
                            "height": 801,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "Lund",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Aline Lessner/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-04-30",
                                "month": "Apr",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-04-30"
                        "id": 67,
                        "description": "Music moment 2012: Swedish band First Aid Kit performed Paul Simon’s ‘America’ at the Polar Music Prize ceremony",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Paul Simon giving a standing ovation at the Polar Music Prize ceremony in 2012.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 900,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Polar-Music-Prize-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "Paul Simon. Photo: Polar Music Prize"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-01",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                                "date": "2025-05-01",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-01"
                        "id": 25,
                        "description": "World Press Freedom Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Two people with headsets in a radio studio.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Freedom of information",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Plattform/Scandinav/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-03",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-03"
                        "id": 12,
                        "description": "Europe Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A girl holding two small paper flags: the Swedish flag and the flag for the European Union, both blue and yellow.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Sweden and the EU",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-09",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-09"
                        "id": 56,
                        "description": "International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Two persons holding hands.",
                            "height": 1654,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Equal rights",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Carolina Romare/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-17",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-17"
                        "id": 13,
                        "description": "European Day of Parks",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A lake in Abisko with a rocky shoreline and trees in autumn colours, with mountains in the background.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Abisko national park",
                            "caption": "Abisko national park. Photo: <a href=\"\">Katja Kristoferson/Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-24",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-24"
                        "id": 11,
                        "description": "Mother’s day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A group of adults and toddlers with different backgrounds having a picknick.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Social kids",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-05-25",
                                "month": "May",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-05-25"
                        "id": 42,
                        "description": "Pride Month (1–30 June)",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A woman with a rainbow umbrella at a Pride Parade.",
                            "height": 1655,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "stockholm pride",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Magnus Liam Karlsson/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-01",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-01"
                        "id": 9,
                        "description": "World Bicycle Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Two siblings in a Swedish suburb getting home from school by bike.",
                            "height": 1655,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Getting from school",
                            "caption": "Photo: Simon Paulin/"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-03",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-03"
                        "id": 27,
                        "description": "World Environment Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Children playing in the forest.",
                            "height": 802,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "ulf_lundin-playing_in_the_woods-4828",
                            "caption": "Swedish children using the right of public access (Allemansrätten) to play in the woods. Photo: <a href=\"\">Ulf Lundin/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-05",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-05"
                        "id": 50,
                        "description": "National Day of Sweden",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "The Swedish flag beinjg raised in a summer garden.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "National Day. Photo: Astrakan/Scandinav/",
                            "caption": "Photo: Astrakan/Scandinav/"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-06",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-06"
                        "id": 57,
                        "description": "Music moment 1990: ‘Pretty Woman’ theme song ‘It Must Have Been Love’ by Roxette hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 893,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-16",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-16"
                        "id": 37,
                        "description": "Midsummer",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Two women picking flowers for midsummer.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "vilhelm_stokstad-midsummer_preparations-6591",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Vilhelm Stokstad/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-20",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-20"
                        "id": 58,
                        "description": "Music moment 1990: The movie ‘Pretty Woman’ with theme song by Roxette premiered in Sweden",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson of Swedish band Roxette.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 893,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Roxette-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "Roxette. Photo: Mattias Edwall"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-06-29",
                                "month": "Jun",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-06-29"
                        "id": 10,
                        "description": "Crown Princess’s birthday ",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "The crown princess smiling, in a room at the Royal castle.",
                            "height": 716,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "2022-03-29, Kungliga slottet; H.K.H. Kronprinsessan",
                            "caption": "HRH The Crown Princess. Photo: Linda Broström/Kungl. Hovstaterna"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-07-14",
                                "month": "Jul",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-07-14"
                        "id": 19,
                        "description": "Tornedalians’ day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A yellow, white and blue Tornedalian flag.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "folio-meänflaku-8857",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Folio/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-07-15",
                                "month": "Jul",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-07-15"
                        "id": 21,
                        "description": "Crayfish premiere",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A plate full of crayfish on a dinner table.",
                            "height": 999,
                            "width": 1500,
                            "title": "anna_hållams-crayfish_party-7457",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\"> Anna Hållams/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-08-09",
                                "month": "Aug",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-08-09"
                        "id": 28,
                        "description": "International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A family dressed in traditional Sami clothing.",
                            "height": 809,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "Indigenous Sami",
                            "caption": "The Sami people have their own folk costume, the kolt. The traditionally blue costumes have at least 12 different styles and differ for men and women. Photo: <a href=\"\">Lola Akinmade Åkerström/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-08-09",
                                "month": "Aug",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-08-09"
                        "id": 24,
                        "description": "Swedish meatball day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Meatballs with mashed potatoes.",
                            "height": 800,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-meatballs-8107",
                            "caption": "Swedish meatballs are traditionally served with gravy, mashed or boiled potatoes, lingonberries, and pickled cucumber.\nPhoto: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-08-23",
                                "month": "Aug",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-08-23"
                        "id": 60,
                        "description": "Music moment 1964: ‘Waltz for Debby’ by Monica Zetterlund and the Bill Evans Trio was recorded",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Swedish jazz artist Monica Zetterlund singing.",
                            "height": 1836,
                            "width": 1835,
                            "title": "Monica-Zetterlund_Photo-Johan-Warnlof-SCANPIX.jpg",
                            "caption": "Monica Zetterlund. Photo: Johan Wärnlöf/Scanpix"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-08-23",
                                "month": "Aug",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-08-23"
                        "id": 40,
                        "description": "Raoul Wallenberg Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A black and white passport photo of Raoul Wallenberg",
                            "height": 461,
                            "width": 450,
                            "title": "Raoul_Wallenberg Wikimedia",
                            "caption": "Passport photograph of Raoul Wallenberg, June 1944."
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-08-27",
                                "month": "Aug",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-08-27"
                        "id": 73,
                        "description": "Music moment: Choir Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A gospel choir on stage.",
                            "height": 1707,
                            "width": 1708,
                            "title": "Tensta-Gospel-Choir_Photo-Anders-Wiklund-TT.jpg",
                            "caption": "Tensta Gospel Choir. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-09-01",
                                "month": "Sep",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-09-01"
                        "id": 41,
                        "description": "International Literacy Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Students sitting around a table with books.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Learning Swedish",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Evelina Ytterbom/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-09-08",
                                "month": "Sep",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-09-08"
                        "id": 61,
                        "description": "Music moment: Pink’s birthday",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Pop artist Pink performing, with an audience seen in the background.",
                            "height": 1784,
                            "width": 1785,
                            "title": "Pink_Photo-Chris-Pizzello.jpg",
                            "caption": "Pink. Photo: Chris Pizzello"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-09-08",
                                "month": "Sep",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-09-08"
                        "id": 26,
                        "description": "International Day of Democracy",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A person voting in Sweden.",
                            "height": 800,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "lieslotte_van_der_meijs-general_elections-8535",
                            "caption": "General elections in Sweden – for national, regional and local representation – are held every four years, after which a new government may be formed. Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieslotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-09-15",
                                "month": "Sep",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-09-15"
                        "id": 8,
                        "description": "European Day of Languages",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A person laying a word puzzle.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Learning Swedish",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Evelina Ytterbom/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-09-26",
                                "month": "Sep",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-09-26"
                        "id": 75,
                        "description": "Music moment 2011: Levels by Avicii was released",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "DJ and producer Avicii portrayed against a brick wall.",
                            "height": 900,
                            "width": 900,
                            "title": "Swedish-music-moments-Avicii-thumbnail.jpg",
                            "caption": "Avicii. Photo: Sean Eriksson/Avicii Experience"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-10-01",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-10-01"
                        "id": 31,
                        "description": "Cinnamon Bun Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "Freshly baked cinnamon buns.",
                            "height": 800,
                            "width": 1200,
                            "title": "lieselotte_van_der_meijs-cinnamon_buns-8105 (1)",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Lieselotte van der Meijs/</a>"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-10-04",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2025
                        "earliestDate": "2025-10-04"
                        "id": 51,
                        "description": "World Teacher’s Day",
                        "image": {
                            "src": "",
                            "alt": "A teacher helping a schoolchild in the classroom.",
                            "height": 1653,
                            "width": 2480,
                            "title": "Photo: Scandinav/",
                            "caption": "Photo: Scandinav/"
                        "href": "",
                        "dates": [
                                "date": "2025-10-05",
                                "month": "Oct",
                                "year": 2025
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