Inner values – social media stories

How to use the material

These social media stories are based on exercises and dilemmas from the Mindshifters' workbook. The material and can be published as a campaign throughout the year or when activating the Mindshifters toolkit.

Please use the Canva links to translate the stories into your language or invent new dilemmas that are current in your local context. The Canva links are available in the social media overview and the wordfile with text for translation.

Each of the story posts can be published as either 5 animated film clips (mp4) or 5 still images (png/jpg). You are free to use emojis and edit the copy if needed. The three polls in 9:16 format are for Instagram Stories, making use of the platform's native poll function.

Use the poll sticker in Instagram Stories. Add the question and answer options before adjusting the size of the sticker to fit in the safe zone between the bubble and the dots. Use the link sticker to add a clickable link between the
heart and the text.

Mindshifters story with polls.


Stories 1 (5 PNG, 5 MP4)

Stories 2 (5 PNG, 5 MP4)

Stories 3 (5 PNG, 5 MP4)

Social media overview

Social media text for translation

Text for translation and answer suggestions

Stories 1

Canva template Stories 1

1. What's your reaction?
Explore your inner values!

2. Kids giving nice gifts to the teacher get higher grades.


  • Totally unacceptable!
  • Where’s the gift shop?
  • Knowledge wins anyway.

3. Monday morning and your new boss is a woman.


  • Yay! Finally!
  • I see problems…
  • So what?

4. You and a friend apply for the same job. Your friend has better merits, but you know the manager and get the job.


  • I refuse the offer.
  • Let’s celebrate!
  • I recommend my friend.

5. Inner growth is key to sustainable development.
A sustainable world starts with us.
Explore your inner values and improve your abilities to act in line with them.

Stories 2

Canva template Stories 2

1. What's your reaction?
Explore your inner values!

2. Would you encourage your friends to vote even if their opinions do not point in your favor?


  • Nope, their loss.
  • Yes, everyone must be heard.
  • Doesn’t matter.

3. Women have lower wages and do most of the unpaid care work. Is that a problem?


  • No, women are natural caregivers.
  • Families should decide themselves.
  • Yes, politicians are responsible.

Are you willing to pay more to get organic and fair-trade products?


  • Yes, someone has to pay.
  • No way, I can’t afford it.
  • I don’t care.

4. Inner growth is key to sustainable development.
A sustainable world starts with us.

5. Explore your inner values and improve your abilities to act in line with them.

Stories 3

Canva template Stories 3

1. What's your reaction?
Explore your inner values!

2. A radical group organized a protest, leading to a large counter demo and increased security.


  • The right to protest is important!
  • Stop the unnecessary drama!
  • I don’t care.

3. Your employer invites all to a yearly Portugal trip. Fun for everyone but bad for the climate.


  • Love it!
  • I don’t go.
  • Suggest having a climate policy!

4. Your company has a new gender discrimination policy, but female colleagues still face sexual harassment.


  • Report it to the management.
  • Start a protest together with the women.
  • Mind my own business.

5. Inner growth is key to sustainable development.
A sustainable world starts with us.
Explore your inner values and improve your abilities to act in line with them.

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                            "children": "These social media stories are based on exercises and dilemmas from the Mindshifters' workbook. The material and can be published as a campaign throughout the year or when activating the <a href=\"\">Mindshifters toolkit</a>."
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                            "children": "Please use the Canva links to translate the stories into your language or invent new dilemmas that are current in your local context. The Canva links are available in the social media overview and the wordfile with text for translation."
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                            "anchorId": "",
                            "children": "Each of the story posts can be published as either 5 animated film clips (mp4) or 5 still images (png/jpg). You are free to use emojis and edit the copy if needed. The three polls in 9:16 format are for Instagram Stories, making use of the platform's native poll function."
                            "type": "paragraph",
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                            "children": "Use the poll sticker in Instagram Stories. Add the question and answer options before adjusting the size of the sticker to fit in the safe zone between the bubble and the dots. Use the link sticker to add a clickable link between the<br>heart and the text. <a href=\"\"></a>"
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                            "children": "These social media stories are based on exercises and dilemmas from the Mindshifters' workbook. The material and can be published as a campaign throughout the year or when activating the <a href=\"\">Mindshifters toolkit</a>."
                            "type": "paragraph",
                            "anchorId": "",
                            "children": "Please use the Canva links to translate the stories into your language or invent new dilemmas that are current in your local context. The Canva links are available in the social media overview and the wordfile with text for translation."
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                            "anchorId": "",
                            "children": "Each of the story posts can be published as either 5 animated film clips (mp4) or 5 still images (png/jpg). You are free to use emojis and edit the copy if needed. The three polls in 9:16 format are for Instagram Stories, making use of the platform's native poll function."
                            "type": "paragraph",
                            "anchorId": "",
                            "children": "Use the poll sticker in Instagram Stories. Add the question and answer options before adjusting the size of the sticker to fit in the safe zone between the bubble and the dots. Use the link sticker to add a clickable link between the<br>heart and the text. <a href=\"\"></a>"
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                            "children": "3. Monday morning and your new boss is a woman."
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                                            "saveContent": "<ul class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>No, women are natural caregivers.</li><li>Families should decide themselves.</li><li>Yes, politicians are responsible.</li></ul>",
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                                            "saveContent": "<ul class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>Yes, someone has to pay.</li><li>No way, I can’t afford it.</li><li>I don’t care.</li></ul>",
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