Rosh Hashanah celebrations

How to use the material

This post for social meda is about the Jewish New Year. Jews are recognised as one of Sweden’s five official national minorities.

In 2024 Rosh Hashana begins at sunset on 2 October. The exact dates of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur vary every year because they are based on the Hebrew calendar. Rosh Hashanah begins on the first day of the seventh month, with this year marking the start of year 5785 in the Hebrew calendar.

Please make sure to include the names of the photographers of the images you use.


🌇 Tonight at sunset begins Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Ten Days of Repentance, which conclude with Yom Kippur.

Jews are recognised as one of Sweden’s five official national minorities. Their historical ties to Sweden date back to the end of the 17th century, when Jews first started settling here.

Many Jews, both religious and secular, celebrate the two nights of Rosh Hashanah with at least one festive meal, often with symbolic sweet foods that hold significance for the holiday.

🍏🍯 One of the most known meal customs is to dip apple slices in honey, symbolising the wishes for a sweet new year.

🍞🍯 Also there to be dipped in the sticky stuff is the challah bread – baked for the occasion in a round shape to represent the year’s cycle, often with raisins.

🍎 Pomegranates – symbolising fertility – are another traditional item on the table.

Overall, the foods consumed during Rosh Hashanah reflect themes of sweetness, abundance, and hope for a prosperous year ahead.

Traditionally, after the feasting comes the fasting. On Yom Kippur, no food is eaten during 25 hours. This is to repent sins of the previous year and then go into the next year with a clean slate.

Sweden's four other national minorities are Roma, the Sami, Swedish Finns and the Tornedalers. The cultures, traditions and languages of all the national minorities have special protection in Swedish law, and so does their right to information, to participate and to influence. ⚖️

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                                                "content": "In 2024 Rosh Hashana begins at sunset on 2 October. The exact dates of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur vary every year because they are based on the Hebrew calendar. Rosh Hashanah begins on the first day of the seventh month, with this year marking the start of year 5785 in the Hebrew calendar.",
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                                                "content": "Jews are recognised as one of Sweden’s five official national minorities. Their historical ties to Sweden date back to the end of the 17th century, when Jews first started settling here.",
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