How to create film events

The Swedish Institute and the Swedish Film Institute offer a selection of Swedish films for Swedish embassies and consulates ('foreign missions’) to screen locally. Before organising a film event, make sure you follow the rules and guidelines presented on this page.

Once you have decided on creating a film event, read more about financial support from the Swedish Institute.

A red neon sign saying movie theatre in Swedish
Photo: Sofia Sabel/

Rules and conditions for film events

Screenings must be non-commercial

All screenings must be non-commercial. Non-commercial means that there is no admission fee, or just a symbolic one, for the screenings.

If you charge an admission fee, the fee may only cover the actual costs of carrying out the screening. The admission fee may not exceed 50% of the price of a normal cinema ticket in your country.

The number of screenings is limited to 2–3 per venue and film.

You can only market the event itself, not individual film titles.

The overall goal of the event should be to promote the Swedish film industry. The Swedish film selection may not be used if the event has any connection to marketing of other industries.

Responsibility for local rights and agreements

The foreign mission is responsible for the local screening and is required to report back to the Swedish Institute, using the provided report form.

The Swedish Institute has acquired a general, non-exclusive distributor agreement for screenings worldwide. However, in some countries or regions there are distributors that have bought exclusive rights. In these cases, you are required to contact and make an agreement with the local rights holder or distributor before any collaboration and screening of the film.

In some cases, it is possible to collaborate with the distributor on the screening. In other cases, the foreign mission needs to purchase the rights to screen the film locally. Each foreign mission is responsible for clearing the rights in their respective countries, according to instructions provided by the Swedish Institute for each film.

Handling of protected film files

Please be aware of the risk of piracy when handling film files. No copying and/or editing of the films is allowed for any reason.

The foreign mission is responsible for all files being deleted after the screening. You are also required to ensure that only authorized employees and local partners have access to film files.

The embassy or consulate is required to make a written agreement with all local partners that states that the film files will not be shared to a third party and that all files will be deleted when the event is over. This requirement includes all local partners that get access to the film, such as cinemas, festivals, and translators. The Swedish Institute provides templates for agreements with local partners, that you can use.

Guidelines for film events

Cooperate with a local partner

When planning an event, the foreign mission should cooperate with a local organiser who is experienced in working with films. This partner should be able to help you find a suitable location with the proper technical equipment, as well as help you with marketing to reach an audience.

Local organisers can be cultural institutions, film festivals, local cinemas, film clubs, or others.

Include logos in your marketing

The foreign mission and their partners must include the logos of the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Swedish Film Institute (SFI) in all press materials, advertisements, posters, et cetera.

High-resolution press and marketing materials related to the films, as well as logos will be available and accessible after you have made an application.

Invite a Swedish film creator or industry spokesperson

A visiting film director, actor or producer can create media exposure and adds key elements in the form of presentations and Q&As to your event.

If you believe that a Swedish film industry representative would be of value to the project, please note the following:

  • The foreign mission can apply for financial support from SI to cover travel expenses and accommodation.
  • The organiser should plan a programme for the visiting representative.
  • It is strongly recommended to invite local film industry representatives to the event to increase interaction between the Swedish film industry and its counterparts in your part of the world.
  • It is also strongly recommended to invite media to the event and inform them about your visiting film representative to get good coverage.

Plan ahead

Good planning is essential for a successful event. A minimum of 10–12 weeks is recommended for most events, although in some cases it may work with less time. Major events that include film creators or industry representatives travelling from Sweden should be scheduled 3–4 months in advance.

In most cases, the aim is to attract an audience of multipliers and to create contact with local press and members of the film industry to support the overall goal of increasing export of Swedish films and deepen the knowledge and interest in Swedish cinema.

It is also important to pick the right date and location for your event. It’s often good to contact an experienced organiser of film events and discuss a dedicated Swedish film presentation within the frame of a bigger event – such as international film festivals or other events with an audience of potential multipliers. Check if there are any industry days, in connection to the event. Avoid competing with major local film events.

Do test runs

We strongly recommend pre-screening the films at least one week before an event to verify that everything looks and sounds as it should.

Technical formats and requirements

The Swedish Institute has compiled complete sets of DCPs for screenings at cinemas and public auditoriums. DCP stands for digital cinema package and is the universal standard format for film screenings in cinemas and auditoriums. A DCP can be downloaded online if the receiver has sufficient capacity (about 100–120 GB/film). Please check that your collaborating partner can download a DCP when you initiate the collaboration.

Showing a film in DCP enables it to be shown in its full image and sound quality. There is also a copyright protection for DCP, and it’s easy and cost-efficient to add subtitles in additional languages.

Today’s feature films require the venue to have a good sound system, preferably with Dolby stereo 5.1 or at least 2-channel stereo for the film to be reproduced as intended.

The filmmakers are very restrictive with film files (usually .MP4) that easily opens on a PC and is unprotected and can be copied. However, if DCP is not an option for you, there is a possibility to ask the producer for the right to have a MP4 screening.

In case a film media has been damaged and needs to be replaced, please contact our provider Shoot & Post AB at


The Swedish Institute offers English (UK), French and Spanish (las) subtitles, as well as German for some titles. Translations made by foreign missions throughout the year are also made available. There is information about available translations by each film.

Foreign missions that need subtitles in additional languages and wish to hire local translators can apply for financial support. Include all costs for translation into the local language in your application.

It is important that the local translator is certified and can use professional software for film translation in the SRT format. It is an advantage if the translator can translate from Swedish, but otherwise the English dialogue list can be used. SRT files are available for foreign missions.

When subtitling is made locally:

  1. The foreign mission lets SI know that it will provide additional subtitles.
  2. The foreign mission hires a local translator that has experience of working with films. The cost of creating a new set of subtitles entitles the foreign mission to apply for financial support from SI.
  3. The foreign mission downloads SRT files or dialogue lists in Swedish and English, as well as a low-resolution video file with time code.
  4. The foreign mission makes a written agreement with the local translator.
  5. The foreign mission deliver the files to the translator.
  6. When the translation is ready, the foreign mission email the subtitle files (in SRT format) to, with on CC.
  7. The foreign mission receives the film digitally in the DCP with the subtitles installed.

Fill in an application – step by step

When you submit an application, you will become the contact person for the event and the one who will be responsible for the Swedish film selection at the foreign mission. You are also the one who makes sure all screenings are organised according to the rules and conditions.

Log in to the SI Customer portal

You apply via the SI customer portal. If it is your first time using the portal, you will have to create an account before you can log in and apply. Once your account has been approved, and you are logged in, you can make a new application for the Swedish film selection.

Log in or create an account

Submit a preliminary application

You first make a preliminary application where you select all the films that you are interested in screening. Fill in as much information as possible about the event. If you don’t have all the information yet, you will have the possibility to update it later.

Get access to and preview film material

After we receive your application, we will review it and give you access to promotional material, information about local rights, and information on how to preview the films. We will also mark the application as ‘Completion requested’, which makes it possible for you to update it.

Look through the material and decide on which film or films to screen at the event and estimate how much financial support you wish to apply for.

Update and complete your application

Once you have made your final decision, log into the customer portal and update your application with all the required information. Before you send in the updated application, make sure that only the film or films you will screen at the event are selected.


If you have any questions, please contact Agnes Lidbeck.

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                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute has acquired a general, non-exclusive distributor agreement for screenings worldwide. However, in some countries or regions there are distributors that have bought exclusive rights. In these cases, you are required to contact and make an agreement with the local rights holder or distributor before any collaboration and screening of the film."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In some cases, it is possible to collaborate with the distributor on the screening. In other cases, the foreign mission needs to purchase the rights to screen the film locally. Each foreign mission is responsible for clearing the rights in their respective countries, according to instructions provided by the Swedish Institute for each film."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Handling of protected film files"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Please be aware of the risk of piracy when handling film files. No copying and/or editing of the films is allowed for any reason."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The foreign mission is responsible for all files being deleted after the screening. You are also required to ensure that only authorized employees and local partners have access to film files."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The embassy or consulate is required to make a written agreement with all local partners that states that the film files will not be shared to a third party and that all files will be deleted when the event is over. This requirement includes all local partners that get access to the film, such as cinemas, festivals, and translators. The Swedish Institute provides templates for agreements with local partners, that you can use."
                            "type": "section",
                            "anchorId": "guidelines",
                            "children": [
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h2": true,
                                    "children": "Guidelines for film events"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Cooperate with a local partner"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When planning an event, the foreign mission should cooperate with a local organiser who is experienced in working with films. This partner should be able to help you find a suitable location with the proper technical equipment, as well as help you with marketing to reach an audience."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Local organisers can be cultural institutions, film festivals, local cinemas, film clubs, or others."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Include logos in your marketing"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The foreign mission and their partners must include the logos of the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Swedish Film Institute (SFI) in all press materials, advertisements, posters, et cetera."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "High-resolution press and marketing materials related to the films, as well as logos will be available and accessible after you have made an application."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Invite a Swedish film creator or industry spokesperson"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "A visiting film director, actor or producer can create media exposure and adds key elements in the form of presentations and Q&amp;As to your event."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "If you believe that a Swedish film industry representative would be of value to the project, please note the following:"
                                    "type": "list",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "html": "<ul class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission can apply for financial support from SI to cover travel expenses and accommodation. </li><li>The organiser should plan a programme for the visiting representative. </li><li>It is strongly recommended to invite local film industry representatives to the event to increase interaction between the Swedish film industry and its counterparts in your part of the world.</li><li>It is also strongly recommended to invite media to the event and inform them about your visiting film representative to get good coverage. </li></ul>"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Plan ahead"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Good planning is essential for a successful event. A minimum of 10–12 weeks is recommended for most events, although in some cases it may work with less time. Major events that include film creators or industry representatives travelling from Sweden should be scheduled 3–4 months in advance."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In most cases, the aim is to attract an audience of multipliers and to create contact with local press and members of the film industry to support the overall goal of increasing export of Swedish films and deepen the knowledge and interest in Swedish cinema."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "It is also important to pick the right date and location for your event. It’s often good to contact an experienced organiser of film events and discuss a dedicated Swedish film presentation within the frame of a bigger event – such as international film festivals or other events with an audience of potential multipliers. Check if there are any industry days, in connection to the event. Avoid competing with major local film events."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Do test runs"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "We strongly recommend pre-screening the films at least one week before an event to verify that everything looks and sounds as it should."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Technical formats and requirements"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute has compiled complete sets of DCPs for screenings at cinemas and public auditoriums. DCP stands for <em>digital cinema package </em>and is the universal standard format for film screenings in cinemas and auditoriums. A DCP can be downloaded online if the receiver has sufficient capacity (about 100–120 GB/film). Please check that your collaborating partner can download a DCP when you initiate the collaboration.<strong></strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Showing a film in DCP enables it to be shown in its full image and sound quality. There is also a copyright protection for DCP, and it’s easy and cost-efficient to add subtitles in additional languages."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Today’s feature films require the venue to have a good sound system, preferably with Dolby stereo 5.1 or at least 2-channel stereo for the film to be reproduced as intended."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The filmmakers are very restrictive with film files (usually .MP4) that easily opens on a PC and is unprotected and can be copied. However, if DCP is not an option for you, there is a possibility to ask the producer for the right to have a MP4 screening."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In case a film media has been damaged and needs to be replaced, please contact our provider Shoot &amp; Post AB at <a href=\"\"></a>."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Subtitling"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute offers English (UK), French and Spanish (las) subtitles, as well as German for some titles. Translations made by foreign missions throughout the year are also made available. There is information about available translations by each film."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Foreign missions that need subtitles in additional languages and wish to hire local translators can apply for financial support. Include all costs for translation into the local language in your application."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "It is important that the local translator is certified and can use professional software for film translation in the SRT format. It is an advantage if the translator can translate from Swedish, but otherwise the English dialogue list can be used. SRT files are available for foreign missions."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When subtitling is made locally:"
                                    "type": "list",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "html": "<ol class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission lets SI know that it will provide additional subtitles.</li><li>The foreign mission hires a local translator that has experience of working with films. The cost of creating a new set of subtitles entitles the foreign mission to apply for financial support from SI.</li><li>The foreign mission downloads SRT files or dialogue lists in Swedish and English, as well as a low-resolution video file with time code.</li><li>The foreign mission makes a written agreement with the local translator.</li><li>The foreign mission deliver the files to the translator.</li><li>When the translation is ready, the foreign mission email the subtitle files (in SRT format) to&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>, with&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>&nbsp;on CC.</li><li>The foreign mission receives the film digitally in the DCP with the subtitles installed.</li></ol>"
                            "type": "section",
                            "anchorId": "application-process-–-step-by-step",
                            "children": [
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h2": true,
                                    "children": "Fill in an application – step by step"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When you submit an application, you will become the contact person for the event and the one who will be responsible for the Swedish film selection at the foreign mission. You are also the one who makes sure all screenings are organised according to the rules and conditions."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Log in to the SI Customer portal</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "You apply via the SI customer portal. If it is your first time using the portal, you will have to create an account before you can log in and apply. Once your account has been approved, and you are logged in, you can make a new application for the Swedish film selection."
                                    "type": "link-button",
                                    "href": "",
                                    "children": "Log in or create an account"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Submit a preliminary application</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "You first make a preliminary application where you select all the films that you are interested in screening. Fill in as much information as possible about the event. If you don’t have all the information yet, you will have the possibility to update it later."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Get access to and preview film material</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "After we receive your application, we will review it and give you access to promotional material, information about local rights, and information on how to preview the films. We will also mark the application as ‘Completion requested’, which makes it possible for you to update it."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Look through the material and decide on which film or films to screen at the event and estimate how much financial support you wish to apply for."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Update and complete your application</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Once you have made your final decision, log into the customer portal and update your application with all the required information. Before you send in the updated application, make sure that only the film or films you will screen at the event are selected."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Contact"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "If you have any questions, please contact <a href=\"\">Agnes Lidbeck</a>."
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                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute and the&nbsp;Swedish Film Institute&nbsp;offer a selection of Swedish films for Swedish embassies and consulates ('foreign missions’) to screen locally. Before organising a film event, make sure you follow the rules and guidelines presented on this page."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Once you have decided on creating a film event, read more about&nbsp;<a href=\"\">financial support from the Swedish Institute</a>."
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                            "anchorId": "",
                            "caption": "Photo: <a href=\"\">Sofia Sabel/</a>",
                            "title": "Movie theatre by Sofia Sabel.",
                            "alt": "A red neon sign saying movie theatre in Swedish",
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                            "title": "Content included",
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                                    "title": "Rules and conditions",
                                    "href": "#rules-and-conditions"
                                    "title": "Guidelines",
                                    "href": "#guidelines"
                                    "title": "Application process – step by step",
                                    "href": "#application-process-–-step-by-step"
                            "type": "section",
                            "anchorId": "rules-and-conditions",
                            "children": [
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h2": true,
                                    "children": "Rules and conditions for film events"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Screenings must be non-commercial"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "All screenings must be non-commercial. Non-commercial means that there is no admission fee, or just a symbolic one, for the screenings."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "If you charge an admission fee, the fee may only cover the actual costs of carrying out the screening. The admission fee may not exceed 50% of the price of a normal cinema ticket in your country."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The number of screenings is limited to 2–3 per venue and film."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "You can only market the event itself, not individual film titles."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The overall goal of the event should be to promote the Swedish film industry. The Swedish film selection may not be used if the event has any connection to marketing of other industries."
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Responsibility for local rights and agreements"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The foreign mission is responsible for the local screening and is required to report back to the Swedish Institute, using the provided report form."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute has acquired a general, non-exclusive distributor agreement for screenings worldwide. However, in some countries or regions there are distributors that have bought exclusive rights. In these cases, you are required to contact and make an agreement with the local rights holder or distributor before any collaboration and screening of the film."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In some cases, it is possible to collaborate with the distributor on the screening. In other cases, the foreign mission needs to purchase the rights to screen the film locally. Each foreign mission is responsible for clearing the rights in their respective countries, according to instructions provided by the Swedish Institute for each film."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Handling of protected film files"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Please be aware of the risk of piracy when handling film files. No copying and/or editing of the films is allowed for any reason."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The foreign mission is responsible for all files being deleted after the screening. You are also required to ensure that only authorized employees and local partners have access to film files."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The embassy or consulate is required to make a written agreement with all local partners that states that the film files will not be shared to a third party and that all files will be deleted when the event is over. This requirement includes all local partners that get access to the film, such as cinemas, festivals, and translators. The Swedish Institute provides templates for agreements with local partners, that you can use."
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                            "anchorId": "guidelines",
                            "children": [
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h2": true,
                                    "children": "Guidelines for film events"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Cooperate with a local partner"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When planning an event, the foreign mission should cooperate with a local organiser who is experienced in working with films. This partner should be able to help you find a suitable location with the proper technical equipment, as well as help you with marketing to reach an audience."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Local organisers can be cultural institutions, film festivals, local cinemas, film clubs, or others."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Include logos in your marketing"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The foreign mission and their partners must include the logos of the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Swedish Film Institute (SFI) in all press materials, advertisements, posters, et cetera."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "High-resolution press and marketing materials related to the films, as well as logos will be available and accessible after you have made an application."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Invite a Swedish film creator or industry spokesperson"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "A visiting film director, actor or producer can create media exposure and adds key elements in the form of presentations and Q&amp;As to your event."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "If you believe that a Swedish film industry representative would be of value to the project, please note the following:"
                                    "type": "list",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "html": "<ul class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission can apply for financial support from SI to cover travel expenses and accommodation. </li><li>The organiser should plan a programme for the visiting representative. </li><li>It is strongly recommended to invite local film industry representatives to the event to increase interaction between the Swedish film industry and its counterparts in your part of the world.</li><li>It is also strongly recommended to invite media to the event and inform them about your visiting film representative to get good coverage. </li></ul>"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Plan ahead"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Good planning is essential for a successful event. A minimum of 10–12 weeks is recommended for most events, although in some cases it may work with less time. Major events that include film creators or industry representatives travelling from Sweden should be scheduled 3–4 months in advance."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In most cases, the aim is to attract an audience of multipliers and to create contact with local press and members of the film industry to support the overall goal of increasing export of Swedish films and deepen the knowledge and interest in Swedish cinema."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "It is also important to pick the right date and location for your event. It’s often good to contact an experienced organiser of film events and discuss a dedicated Swedish film presentation within the frame of a bigger event – such as international film festivals or other events with an audience of potential multipliers. Check if there are any industry days, in connection to the event. Avoid competing with major local film events."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Do test runs"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "We strongly recommend pre-screening the films at least one week before an event to verify that everything looks and sounds as it should."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Technical formats and requirements"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute has compiled complete sets of DCPs for screenings at cinemas and public auditoriums. DCP stands for <em>digital cinema package </em>and is the universal standard format for film screenings in cinemas and auditoriums. A DCP can be downloaded online if the receiver has sufficient capacity (about 100–120 GB/film). Please check that your collaborating partner can download a DCP when you initiate the collaboration.<strong></strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Showing a film in DCP enables it to be shown in its full image and sound quality. There is also a copyright protection for DCP, and it’s easy and cost-efficient to add subtitles in additional languages."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Today’s feature films require the venue to have a good sound system, preferably with Dolby stereo 5.1 or at least 2-channel stereo for the film to be reproduced as intended."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The filmmakers are very restrictive with film files (usually .MP4) that easily opens on a PC and is unprotected and can be copied. However, if DCP is not an option for you, there is a possibility to ask the producer for the right to have a MP4 screening."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "In case a film media has been damaged and needs to be replaced, please contact our provider Shoot &amp; Post AB at <a href=\"\"></a>."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Subtitling"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "The Swedish Institute offers English (UK), French and Spanish (las) subtitles, as well as German for some titles. Translations made by foreign missions throughout the year are also made available. There is information about available translations by each film."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Foreign missions that need subtitles in additional languages and wish to hire local translators can apply for financial support. Include all costs for translation into the local language in your application."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "It is important that the local translator is certified and can use professional software for film translation in the SRT format. It is an advantage if the translator can translate from Swedish, but otherwise the English dialogue list can be used. SRT files are available for foreign missions."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When subtitling is made locally:"
                                    "type": "list",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "html": "<ol class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission lets SI know that it will provide additional subtitles.</li><li>The foreign mission hires a local translator that has experience of working with films. The cost of creating a new set of subtitles entitles the foreign mission to apply for financial support from SI.</li><li>The foreign mission downloads SRT files or dialogue lists in Swedish and English, as well as a low-resolution video file with time code.</li><li>The foreign mission makes a written agreement with the local translator.</li><li>The foreign mission deliver the files to the translator.</li><li>When the translation is ready, the foreign mission email the subtitle files (in SRT format) to&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>, with&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>&nbsp;on CC.</li><li>The foreign mission receives the film digitally in the DCP with the subtitles installed.</li></ol>"
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                                    "anchorId": "",
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                                    "children": "Fill in an application – step by step"
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "When you submit an application, you will become the contact person for the event and the one who will be responsible for the Swedish film selection at the foreign mission. You are also the one who makes sure all screenings are organised according to the rules and conditions."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Log in to the SI Customer portal</strong>"
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "You apply via the SI customer portal. If it is your first time using the portal, you will have to create an account before you can log in and apply. Once your account has been approved, and you are logged in, you can make a new application for the Swedish film selection."
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                                    "href": "",
                                    "children": "Log in or create an account"
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Submit a preliminary application</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "You first make a preliminary application where you select all the films that you are interested in screening. Fill in as much information as possible about the event. If you don’t have all the information yet, you will have the possibility to update it later."
                                    "type": "heading",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Get access to and preview film material</strong>"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "After we receive your application, we will review it and give you access to promotional material, information about local rights, and information on how to preview the films. We will also mark the application as ‘Completion requested’, which makes it possible for you to update it."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Look through the material and decide on which film or films to screen at the event and estimate how much financial support you wish to apply for."
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                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "<strong>Update and complete your application</strong>"
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "Once you have made your final decision, log into the customer portal and update your application with all the required information. Before you send in the updated application, make sure that only the film or films you will screen at the event are selected."
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "h3": true,
                                    "children": "Contact"
                                    "type": "paragraph",
                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "If you have any questions, please contact <a href=\"\">Agnes Lidbeck</a>."
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                                                        "content": "The Swedish Institute and the&nbsp;Swedish Film Institute&nbsp;offer a selection of Swedish films for Swedish embassies and consulates ('foreign missions’) to screen locally. Before organising a film event, make sure you follow the rules and guidelines presented on this page.",
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                                                        "content": "Once you have decided on creating a film event, read more about&nbsp;<a href=\"\">financial support from the Swedish Institute</a>.",
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                                                        "content": "Screenings must be non-commercial",
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                                                        "content": "All screenings must be non-commercial. Non-commercial means that there is no admission fee, or just a symbolic one, for the screenings.",
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                                                        "content": "If you charge an admission fee, the fee may only cover the actual costs of carrying out the screening. The admission fee may not exceed 50% of the price of a normal cinema ticket in your country.",
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                                                        "content": "The number of screenings is limited to 2–3 per venue and film.",
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                                                        "content": "You can only market the event itself, not individual film titles.",
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                                                        "content": "The overall goal of the event should be to promote the Swedish film industry. The Swedish film selection may not be used if the event has any connection to marketing of other industries.",
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                                                        "content": "The foreign mission is responsible for the local screening and is required to report back to the Swedish Institute, using the provided report form.",
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                                                        "content": "The Swedish Institute has acquired a general, non-exclusive distributor agreement for screenings worldwide. However, in some countries or regions there are distributors that have bought exclusive rights. In these cases, you are required to contact and make an agreement with the local rights holder or distributor before any collaboration and screening of the film.",
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                                                        "content": "In some cases, it is possible to collaborate with the distributor on the screening. In other cases, the foreign mission needs to purchase the rights to screen the film locally. Each foreign mission is responsible for clearing the rights in their respective countries, according to instructions provided by the Swedish Institute for each film.",
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                                                        "content": "Handling of protected film files",
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                                                        "content": "Please be aware of the risk of piracy when handling film files. No copying and/or editing of the films is allowed for any reason.",
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                                                        "content": "The foreign mission is responsible for all files being deleted after the screening. You are also required to ensure that only authorized employees and local partners have access to film files.",
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                                                        "content": "The embassy or consulate is required to make a written agreement with all local partners that states that the film files will not be shared to a third party and that all files will be deleted when the event is over. This requirement includes all local partners that get access to the film, such as cinemas, festivals, and translators. The Swedish Institute provides templates for agreements with local partners, that you can use.",
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                                                        "content": "Guidelines for film events",
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                                                        "content": "When planning an event, the foreign mission should cooperate with a local organiser who is experienced in working with films. This partner should be able to help you find a suitable location with the proper technical equipment, as well as help you with marketing to reach an audience.",
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                                                        "content": "Local organisers can be cultural institutions, film festivals, local cinemas, film clubs, or others.",
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                                                        "content": "Include logos in your marketing",
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                                                        "content": "The foreign mission and their partners must include the logos of the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Swedish Film Institute (SFI) in all press materials, advertisements, posters, et cetera.",
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                                                        "content": "High-resolution press and marketing materials related to the films, as well as logos will be available and accessible after you have made an application.",
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                                                        "content": "Invite a Swedish film creator or industry spokesperson",
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                                                        "content": "A visiting film director, actor or producer can create media exposure and adds key elements in the form of presentations and Q&amp;As to your event.",
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                                                        "content": "If you believe that a Swedish film industry representative would be of value to the project, please note the following:",
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                                                    "saveContent": "<ul class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission can apply for financial support from SI to cover travel expenses and accommodation. </li><li>The organiser should plan a programme for the visiting representative. </li><li>It is strongly recommended to invite local film industry representatives to the event to increase interaction between the Swedish film industry and its counterparts in your part of the world.</li><li>It is also strongly recommended to invite media to the event and inform them about your visiting film representative to get good coverage. </li></ul>",
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                                                        "content": "Plan ahead",
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                                                        "content": "Good planning is essential for a successful event. A minimum of 10–12 weeks is recommended for most events, although in some cases it may work with less time. Major events that include film creators or industry representatives travelling from Sweden should be scheduled 3–4 months in advance.",
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                                                        "content": "In most cases, the aim is to attract an audience of multipliers and to create contact with local press and members of the film industry to support the overall goal of increasing export of Swedish films and deepen the knowledge and interest in Swedish cinema.",
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                                                        "content": "It is also important to pick the right date and location for your event. It’s often good to contact an experienced organiser of film events and discuss a dedicated Swedish film presentation within the frame of a bigger event – such as international film festivals or other events with an audience of potential multipliers. Check if there are any industry days, in connection to the event. Avoid competing with major local film events.",
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                                                        "content": "Do test runs",
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                                                        "content": "We strongly recommend pre-screening the films at least one week before an event to verify that everything looks and sounds as it should.",
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                                                        "content": "Technical formats and requirements",
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                                                        "content": "The Swedish Institute has compiled complete sets of DCPs for screenings at cinemas and public auditoriums. DCP stands for <em>digital cinema package </em>and is the universal standard format for film screenings in cinemas and auditoriums. A DCP can be downloaded online if the receiver has sufficient capacity (about 100–120 GB/film). Please check that your collaborating partner can download a DCP when you initiate the collaboration.<strong></strong>",
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                                                        "content": "Showing a film in DCP enables it to be shown in its full image and sound quality. There is also a copyright protection for DCP, and it’s easy and cost-efficient to add subtitles in additional languages.",
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                                                        "content": "Today’s feature films require the venue to have a good sound system, preferably with Dolby stereo 5.1 or at least 2-channel stereo for the film to be reproduced as intended.",
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                                                        "content": "The filmmakers are very restrictive with film files (usually .MP4) that easily opens on a PC and is unprotected and can be copied. However, if DCP is not an option for you, there is a possibility to ask the producer for the right to have a MP4 screening.",
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                                                        "content": "In case a film media has been damaged and needs to be replaced, please contact our provider Shoot &amp; Post AB at <a href=\"\"></a>.",
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                                                        "content": "Subtitling",
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                                                        "content": "The Swedish Institute offers English (UK), French and Spanish (las) subtitles, as well as German for some titles. Translations made by foreign missions throughout the year are also made available. There is information about available translations by each film.",
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                                                        "content": "Foreign missions that need subtitles in additional languages and wish to hire local translators can apply for financial support. Include all costs for translation into the local language in your application.",
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                                                        "content": "It is important that the local translator is certified and can use professional software for film translation in the SRT format. It is an advantage if the translator can translate from Swedish, but otherwise the English dialogue list can be used. SRT files are available for foreign missions.",
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                                                    "saveContent": "<ol class=\"wp-block-list\"><li>The foreign mission lets SI know that it will provide additional subtitles.</li><li>The foreign mission hires a local translator that has experience of working with films. The cost of creating a new set of subtitles entitles the foreign mission to apply for financial support from SI.</li><li>The foreign mission downloads SRT files or dialogue lists in Swedish and English, as well as a low-resolution video file with time code.</li><li>The foreign mission makes a written agreement with the local translator.</li><li>The foreign mission deliver the files to the translator.</li><li>When the translation is ready, the foreign mission email the subtitle files (in SRT format) to&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>, with&nbsp;<a href=\"\"></a>&nbsp;on CC.</li><li>The foreign mission receives the film digitally in the DCP with the subtitles installed.</li></ol>",
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                                                        "content": "When you submit an application, you will become the contact person for the event and the one who will be responsible for the Swedish film selection at the foreign mission. You are also the one who makes sure all screenings are organised according to the rules and conditions.",
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                                                        "content": "<strong>Log in to the SI Customer portal</strong>",
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                                                        "content": "You apply via the SI customer portal. If it is your first time using the portal, you will have to create an account before you can log in and apply. Once your account has been approved, and you are logged in, you can make a new application for the Swedish film selection.",
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                                                        "content": "You first make a preliminary application where you select all the films that you are interested in screening. Fill in as much information as possible about the event. If you don’t have all the information yet, you will have the possibility to update it later.",
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                                                        "content": "<strong>Get access to and preview film material</strong>",
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                                                        "content": "After we receive your application, we will review it and give you access to promotional material, information about local rights, and information on how to preview the films. We will also mark the application as ‘Completion requested’, which makes it possible for you to update it.",
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                                                        "content": "Look through the material and decide on which film or films to screen at the event and estimate how much financial support you wish to apply for.",
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                                                        "content": "Once you have made your final decision, log into the customer portal and update your application with all the required information. Before you send in the updated application, make sure that only the film or films you will screen at the event are selected.",
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                                                        "content": "If you have any questions, please contact <a href=\"\">Agnes Lidbeck</a>.",
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                                                "anchorLinkMenuTitle": "Application process – step by step",
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