Culture and lifestyle

Increase the interest in Sweden by showcasing Swedish creativity! Culture is an integral part of Sweden and Swedish society. We offer toolkits that help you promote Swedish literature, film, music, art and design from new and interesting perspectives. Join us in creating Swedish cultural experiences around the world.

What's our story?

Sweden is a country bursting with culture and creativity! We have a rich cultural heritage and a contemporary creative scene that is both vibrant and multi-faceted. For example, Sweden has become one of the largest music exporters in the world, and Swedish songwriters and producers work with some of the biggest names in pop music.

What's our aim?

Our mission is to raise the interest in Swedish culture and lifestyle and to deepen and broaden the image of Sweden and Swedish culture abroad.

Who is our audience?

We want to reach international target groups, both the general public and people who work in the creative sectors. One main target group is people who already have an interest in Swedish culture and lifestyle.

What do we want our target groups to do?

We want more people to discover Sweden’s creative scene and experience Swedish culture. We also want to strengthen the bond with to those who embrace Swedish culture and lifestyle.

What do we offer?

Swedish culture has many unique attributes and influential creative voices. Together we can offer international audiences a vibrant and enriching cultural experience.

The Swedish film selection

The Swedish film selection is for non-profit cultural screenings and includes feature films and documentaries. Each year's collection highlights contemporary Swedish feature films that have attracted attention both in Sweden and at some major international film festivals.

The Swedish film selection

All social media, video, toolkits and more

41.7% women in managerial positions
Sweden is ranked number 1 for sustainability.
A social media post with a quote from and an image of an alumni.
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