
Our colours take advantage of our strong and highly recognisable national flag (Sweden Yellow Standard and Sweden Blue Standard).

Primary, secondary and special colours.
Primary, secondary and speciality colours.

By adding a well-defined set of secondary colours, we allow our identity to be more flexible while still being true to its original DNA. These secondary colours contain a variety of yellow, blue and grey shades.

A third level of 'functional' or 'specialty' colours colours is added for illustrations and other digital products that require more complex colour pairings and variations of tone and opacity.

Download all colour swatches (ZIP 4 KB)
Sweden Yellow Standard and Sweden Blue Standard

Primary colours

Our primary colours are Sweden Yellow Standard and Sweden Blue Standard. They are one of our brand’s strongest assets, but also two very strong graphical elements that should always be used strategically.

Sweden Yellow Standard

HEX: #fecb00
RGB: 254, 203, 0
CMYK: 0, 14, 100, 0
PMS C: 116 C
PMS U: 109 U
NCS: 0580-Y10R

Sweden Blue Standard

HEX: #005293
RGB: 0, 82, 147
CMYK: 100, 54, 4, 19
PMS C: 301 C
PMS U: 301 U
NCS: 4055-R95B

Download colour swatch (ZIP 364 Bytes)

Secondary colours A

Our secondary colours A complement our primary palette by adding two more shades of yellow and blue.

Recommended use: backgrounds. They can be used as dividers and backgrounds on websites or pages with a great variety of content. They can be combined with each other as well as with other primary and secondary colours.

Dawn Blue

HEX: #1a3050
RGB: 26, 48, 80
CMYK: 95, 80, 40, 40
PMS C: 2767 C
PMS U: 282 U
NCS: S 7020-R80B

Dark Dawn Blue

HEX: #142638
RGB: 20, 38, 56
CMYK: 100, 80, 50, 60
PMS C: 5395 C
PMS U: 5463 U
NCS: S 8505-B

Grain Yellow

HEX: #e8e3d1
RGB: 232, 227, 209
CMYK: 10, 10, 20, 0
PMS C: 7527 C
PMS U: 7527 U
NCS: S 0804-G90Y

Pale Yellow

HEX: #ffd481
RGB: 255, 212, 129
CMYK: 0, 20, 57, 0
PMS C: 134 C
PMS U: 134 U
NCS: S 0540-Y10R

Download colour swatch (ZIP 469 Bytes)
7 colours in greyscale

Secondary colours B (greyscale)

A greyscale palette is added as part of our secondary colours. We add a level of neutral tones that can help our teams when creating bigger applications. It also balances out the strenght of our primary yellow and blue.

Recommended use: backgrounds. These colors can be used as dividers and backgrounds on websites or pages with a great variety of content. They can be combined with each other, as well as with other primary and secondary colours.

Avoid using black as a background colour.


HEX: #ffffff
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
PMS C: 11-0601 TCX
PMS U: 11-0601 TCX
NCS: S 0500-N


HEX: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
PMS C: 19-0303 TCX
PMS U: 19-0303 TCX
NCS: S 8500-N

Pale Winter Grey 1

HEX: #fafafa
RGB: 250, 250, 250
CMYK: 0,0,0,5
PMS C: Cool grey 1C
PMS U: Cool grey 1U
NCS: S 1000-N

Pale Winter Grey 2

HEX: #ededed
RGB: 237, 237, 237
CMYK: 0,0,0,20
PMS C: Cool grey 2C
PMS U: Cool grey 2U
NCS: S 1500-N

Winter Grey

HEX: #bdbdbd
RGB: 189, 189, 189
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 40
PMS C: Cool grey 4C
PMS U: Cool grey 4U
NCS: S 2500-N

Dark Winter Grey 1

HEX: #757575
RGB: 117, 117, 117
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 60
PMS C: Cool grey 10C
PMS U: Cool grey 10U
NCS: S 6000-N

Dark Winter Grey 2

HEX: #424242
RGB: 66, 66, 66
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 80
PMS C: Cool grey 11C
PMS U: Cool grey 11U
NCS: S 7500-N

Download greyscale colour swatch (ZIP 472 Bytes)

Speciality colours

The speciality colours are added for illustrations and other digital products that require more complex colour pairings and variations of tone and opacity.

7 shades of a green colour.

Green -3

HEX: #99dec9
RGB: 153, 222, 201

Green -2

HEX: #66cdb0
RGB: 102, 205, 176
CMYK: 60, 0, 40, 0

Green -1

HEX: #32ba94
RGB: 50, 186, 148
CMYK: 70, 0, 55, 0


HEX: #01a87c
RGB: 1, 168, 124
CMYK: 85, 20, 70, 5

Green +1

HEX: #008862
RGB: 0, 136, 98
CMYK: 85, 20, 70, 5

Green +2

HEX: #006649
RGB: 0, 102, 73
CMYK: 90, 35, 75, 30

Green +3

HEX: #004530
RGB: 0, 69, 48
CMYK: 90, 45, 80, 50

Download green colour swatch (ZIP 484 Bytes)
7 shades of a blue colour

Blue -3

HEX: #99d5ed
RGB: 153, 213, 237

Blue -2

HEX: #66c3e5
RGB: 102, 195, 229
CMYK: 60, 5, 5, 0

Blue -1

HEX: #32acdf
RGB: 50, 172, 223
CMYK: 70, 10, 5, 0


HEX: #0099d3
RGB: 0, 153, 211
CMYK: 80, 25, 0, 0

Blue +1

HEX: #007aab
RGB: 0, 122, 171
CMYK: 85, 40, 15, 0

Blue +2

HEX: #005c80
RGB: 0, 92, 128
CMYK: 90, 55, 30, 15

Blue +3

HEX: #004d6b
RGB: 0, 77, 107
CMYK: 95, 60, 35, 25

Download blue colour swatch (ZIP 479 Bytes)
7 shades of a purple colour

Purple -3

HEX: #c2b0e3
RGB: 194, 176, 227
CMYK: 30, 35, 0, 0

Purple -2

HEX: #a38ad4
RGB: 163, 138, 212
CMYK: 45, 50, 0, 0

Purple -1

HEX: #8561c4
RGB: 133, 97, 196
CMYK: 60, 65, 0, 0


HEX: #663bb8
RGB: 102, 59, 184
CMYK: 80, 80, 0, 0

Purple +1

HEX: #522e91
RGB: 82, 46, 145
CMYK: 85, 90, 0, 0

Purple +2

HEX: #3d246e
RGB: 61, 36, 110
CMYK: 95, 100, 20, 10

Purple +3

HEX: #29174a
RGB: 41, 23, 74
CMYK: 100, 100, 35, 40

Download purple colour swatch (ZIP 512 Bytes)
7 shades of a orange colour.

Orange -3

HEX: #ffcc99
RGB: 255, 204, 153
CMYK: 0, 25, 45, 0

Orange -2

HEX: #ffb266
RGB: 255, 178, 102
CMYK: 0, 40, 65, 0

Orange -1

HEX: #ff9933
RGB: 255, 153, 51
CMYK: 0, 50, 80, 0


HEX: #ff8000
RGB: 255, 128, 0
CMYK: 0, 60, 95, 0

Orange 1

HEX: #cc6600
RGB: 204, 102, 0
CMYK: 15, 65, 100, 5

Orange 2

HEX: #b25900
RGB: 178, 89, 0
CMYK: 20, 70, 100, 15

Orange 3

HEX: #663300
RGB: 102, 51, 0
CMYK: 40, 75, 100, 55

Download orange colour swatch (ZIP 465 Bytes)
7 shades of a red colour.

Red -3

HEX: #edb0ab
RGB: 237, 176, 171
CMYK: 5, 40, 30, 0

Red -2

HEX: #e38780
RGB: 227, 135, 128
CMYK: 10, 60, 45, 0

Red -1

HEX: #db6157
RGB: 219, 97, 87
CMYK: 10, 70, 60, 0


HEX: #d1382b
RGB: 209, 56, 43
CMYK: 10, 90, 85, 0

Red 1

HEX: #a82e24
RGB: 168, 46, 36
CMYK: 25, 90, 90, 20

Red 2

HEX: #7d211a
RGB: 125, 33, 26
CMYK: 30, 95, 90, 40

Red 3

HEX: #541712
RGB: 84, 23, 18
CMYK: 40, 95, 80, 65

Download red colour swatch (ZIP 507 Bytes)
7 shades of a pink colour.

Pink -3

HEX: #f7bad1
RGB: 247, 186, 209
CMYK: 0, 35, 5, 0

Pink -2

HEX: #f58fb0
RGB: 245, 143, 176
CMYK: 0, 55, 10, 0

Pink -1

HEX: #f06191
RGB: 240, 97, 145
CMYK: 0, 75, 15, 0


HEX: #ed407a
RGB: 237, 64, 122
CMYK: 0, 85, 20, 0

Pink 1

HEX: #e81f63
RGB: 232, 31, 99
CMYK: 0, 95, 35, 0

Pink 2

HEX: #c2175c
RGB: 194, 23, 92
CMYK: 15, 100, 35, 5

Pink 3

HEX: #870d4f
RGB: 135, 13, 79
CMYK: 35, 100, 30, 30

Download pink colour swatch (ZIP 498 Bytes)

Usage proportions

This overview provides a hierarchy to follow when using colour. The bigger the colour, the more important it is, and the more frequently it should be used. The hierarchy visually reflects the three levels of colours: primary, secondary and specialty.

Illustration showing the hieararchy between the primary and secondary Sweden brand colours. Blue and yellow at the top, then white and black, then speciality colours at the bottom.
The hiearchy between primary, secondary and speciality colours.


Here is a selection of applications of our colour scheme.

A variety of text and colour background combinations.
A variety of text and colour background combinations.
Examples of posters with different background colours.
Examples of posters with different background colours.

Key takeaway: The primary and secondary colours can be used in a great variety as backgrounds.
Examples of folders in Yellow Standard and Sweden Blue Standard.

Key takeaway: Don't be afraid to use our primary colours to maximum effect.
A book with a cover in Sweden Blue Standard and text and sides in Sweden Yellow Standard.

Key takeaway: The combination of Sweden Blue as background and Sweden yellow in text works well.
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                        "href": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/how-to-use-the-identity/",
                        "title": "How to use the identity"
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                        "title": "Design principles"
                        "id": 443,
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                        "id": 444,
                        "href": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/colour/",
                        "title": "Colour"
                        "id": 440,
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                        "title": "Accessibility"
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                        "title": "Typography"
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                        "title": "Grid"
                        "id": 450,
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                        "title": "Tone of motion"
                        "id": 449,
                        "href": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/illustration/",
                        "title": "Illustration"
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