Tone of motion

Tone of motion is a reflection of the brand’s personality via audiovisual touchpoints where content (footage and graphics) have a time- and spatial dimension.

Examples include videos on social media platforms and digital interfaces on websites and apps (interactions and transitions).

Our motion concept is based on the idea of progress, simplicity and constant motion forward. It captures the essence of our brand with a minimalistic usage of graphical elements, yet modern and inviting.

Please note that these are overall recommendations designed to give basic guidance on how to use the identity in videos. Depending on platform, content and context, you might need to interpret and adjust these recommendations.

Credit style

There are two styles when creating opening and/or end credits for a video.

A. Coloured background

As a way to incorporate our primary and secondary colours, this option places all elements (logo, title and subtitles) over a colour background.

Primary option: White text over Dark Dawn Blue.

Secondary option: all other primary and secondary colours. Please follow recommendations for maximum legibility as described in the Accessibility section.

B. Image background

When there is no possibility to use colour background, use actual footage of the clip. Remember to always add a black overlay (minimum 70%) between text and image for maximum legibility.

Example of a video with colour background.
A. Colour background video style.
Example of video with image background.
B. Image background video style.

Credits 16:9

Text and image

When possible, start the clip with an intro slide containing logotype, textual elements such as title and sub-title, and a moving clip (content). A coloured background is used to incorporate the brand primary and/or secondary colours, strengthing the connection between content and sender.

Logotype and textual elements always move vertically (Y axis): they fade in from bottom to top, and fade out from top to bottom.

Video clips always move horizontally (along the X axis), from right to left.

An element of parallax is applied to the footage, which creates a feeling of fluidity. The result is a smooth transition from slide to content (opening credits) and content back to slide (end credits).

Example of video opening credits with text and image.
Opening credits 16:9, text and image.
Example of video end credits with text and image.
End credits 16:9, text and image.

Text only

In cases where footage cannot be included in the opening or end credits, with the described parallax effect, we will use the text only version.

After logotype and textual elements are presented, content is presented with a simple background transition from right to left.

Example of video opening credits with only text.
Opening credits 16:9, text only.
Example of video end credits with only text.
End credits 16:9, text only.

Construction 16:9

The values are given in percentages to facilitate the construction process. Please follow these guidelines. Of the full frame, leave a 5 per cent buffer around the frame.

Example of construction of opening credits with text and image.
Construction, text and image: opening credits.
Example of construction of end credits with text and image.
Construction, text and image: end credits.
Example of construction of opening credits with text only.
Construction, text only: opening credits.
Example of construction of end credits with text only.
Construction, text only: end credits.

Credits 1:1

Text and image

1:1 videos should follow the same rules that apply to 16:9 videos, with one exception: footage will move vertically (along the Y axis), not horizontally.

Example of video credits with text and image.
Credits 1:1, text and image.

Text only

When footage or images cannot be included in the credits, follow the text only version.

Following the example described for '16:9 text only', and use a simple background transition from right to left between content and credits.

Example of video credits with text only.
Credits 1:1, text only.

Text-based videos

When working with videos where text needs to be placed over static or moving images:

  • Use a dark overlay between text and image of at least 70% opacity. This guarantees readibility.
  • Align text and logo elements to the left.
  • Use text sizes to achieve contrast.
  • Use simple and smooth animations when presenting text and in transitions.
Examples of credits in text-based videos.
Opening credits, example A.
Examples of credits in text-based videos.
Opening credits, example B.
Examples of credits in text-based videos.
End credits, example A.
Examples of credits in text-based videos.
End credits, example B.
Examples of video with text on image.
Image and text, example A.
Example of video with text on image.
Image and text, example B.
Image and text, example C.
Example of video with text on image.
Image and text, example D.

Lower thirds

When information needs to be added to an image (moving or static), please follow these examples.

The text and colour background combinations are based on primary and secondary colours, and should always aim at maximum contrast. For more information, please refer to the Colour section.

Examples of colour combinations, typography and placement.
Examples of colour combinations, typography and placement.
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                            "children": "Examples include videos on social media platforms and digital interfaces on websites and apps (interactions and transitions)."
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                                    "children": "Primary option: White text over Dark Dawn Blue."
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                                    "children": "Secondary option: all other primary and secondary colours. Please follow recommendations for maximum legibility as described in the Accessibility section."
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                                    "children": "When there is no possibility to use colour background, use actual footage of the clip. Remember to always add a black overlay (minimum 70%) between text and image for maximum legibility."
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                                    "caption": "A. Colour background video style.",
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                                    "children": "When possible, start the clip with an intro slide containing logotype, textual elements such as title and sub-title, and a moving clip (content). A coloured background is used to incorporate the brand primary and/or secondary colours, strengthing the connection between content and sender."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
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                                    "children": "Video clips always move horizontally (along the X axis), from right to left."
                                    "type": "paragraph",
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                                    "children": "An element of parallax is applied to the footage, which creates a feeling of fluidity. The result is a smooth transition from slide to content (opening credits) and content back to slide (end credits)."
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                                    "anchorId": "",
                                    "children": "After logotype and textual elements are presented, content is presented with a simple background transition from right to left."
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                                    "title": "Tone of motion_opening credits textonly",
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                                    "children": "The values are given in percentages to facilitate the construction process. Please follow these guidelines. Of the full frame, leave a 5 per cent buffer around the frame."
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                                    "alt": "Examples of credits in text-based videos.",
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                                    "children": "Tone of motion is a reflection of the brand’s personality via audiovisual touchpoints where content (footage and graphics) have a time- and spatial dimension."
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                            "children": "Examples include videos on social media platforms and digital interfaces on websites and apps (interactions and transitions)."
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                            "children": "Our motion concept is based on the idea of progress, simplicity and constant motion forward. It captures the essence of our brand with a minimalistic usage of graphical elements, yet modern and inviting."
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                            "children": "Please note that these are overall recommendations designed to give basic guidance on how to use the identity in videos. Depending on platform, content and context, you might need to interpret and adjust these recommendations."
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                                    "children": "There are two styles when creating opening and/or end credits for a video."
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                                    "children": "Primary option: White text over Dark Dawn Blue."
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                                    "children": "Secondary option: all other primary and secondary colours. Please follow recommendations for maximum legibility as described in the Accessibility section."
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                                    "caption": "A. Colour background video style.",
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                                    "children": "When possible, start the clip with an intro slide containing logotype, textual elements such as title and sub-title, and a moving clip (content). A coloured background is used to incorporate the brand primary and/or secondary colours, strengthing the connection between content and sender."
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                                    "children": "Logotype and textual elements always move vertically (Y axis): they fade in from bottom to top, and fade out from top to bottom."
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                                    "children": "Video clips always move horizontally (along the X axis), from right to left."
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                                    "children": "An element of parallax is applied to the footage, which creates a feeling of fluidity. The result is a smooth transition from slide to content (opening credits) and content back to slide (end credits)."
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                                    "html": "<ul><li>Use a dark overlay between text and image of at least 70% opacity. This guarantees readibility.</li><li>Align text and logo elements to the left.</li><li>Use text sizes to achieve contrast.</li><li>Use simple and smooth animations when presenting text and in transitions.</li></ul>"
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                                                        "content": "1:1 videos should follow the same rules that apply to 16:9 videos, with one exception: footage will move vertically (along the Y axis), not horizontally.",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_credits-11-textimage/",
                                                                "altText": "Example of video credits with text and image.",
                                                                "caption": "Credits 1:1, text and image.",
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                                                        "content": "When footage or images cannot be included in the credits, follow the text only version.",
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                                                    "attributes": {
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                                                        "content": "Following the example described for '16:9 text only', and use a simple background transition from right to left between content and credits.",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_credits-11-textonly/",
                                                                "altText": "Example of video credits with text only.",
                                                                "caption": "Credits 1:1, text only.",
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                                                        "content": "When working with videos where text needs to be placed over static or moving images:",
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                                                    "name": "core/list",
                                                    "saveContent": "<ul><li>Use a dark overlay between text and image of at least 70% opacity. This guarantees readibility.</li><li>Align text and logo elements to the left.</li><li>Use text sizes to achieve contrast.</li><li>Use simple and smooth animations when presenting text and in transitions.</li></ul>",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_textbased1-2/",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_textbased5-2/",
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                                                                "title": "Tone of motion cars",
                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion-cars/",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_textbased7-2/",
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                                                                "uri": "/the-sweden-brand/brand-visual-identity/tone-of-motion/tone-of-motion_textbased8-2/",
                                                                "altText": "Example of video with text on image.",
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                                                        "content": "When information needs to be added to an image (moving or static), please follow these examples.",
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                                                        "content": "The text and colour background combinations are based on primary and secondary colours, and should always aim at maximum contrast. For more information, please refer to the <a href=\"\">Colour section</a>.",
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                                                        "alt": "Examples of colour combinations, typography and placement.",
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                                                                "altText": "Examples of colour combinations, typography and placement.",
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